Above is Larry Cogley, among the sweetest and handsomest men in town. To me, he looks like a pirate or a gypsy king. He’s wearing hats, scarves and sweaters made by Jen Heinlein (left), one the sweetest and loveliest artisans working with Loveland. A perfect combination. Jen, who has been doing needlework nearly all her life, works from Sage Yarn, her shop and studio in Falmouth, Up Cape, which belonged to her grandmother.
Jen can make anything in yarn. For these Loveland knits, she reproduced a crotched stitch from a vintage 1970s Andean sweater that I wore all the time, until I replaced it with the cherry red cardigan Jen crocheted for me.
Sweaters $675.00 in sizes S/M/L/XL; Tasseled Scarves $345.00 and Hats $68.00 in one size; 100% Peruvian Wool; Made by Jen Heinlein in Falmouth, Massachusetts.